AUBOPE Software Update V4.5.48 available

AUBOPE Update Information

We skipped some versions and now it’s time to bring the news. Since our last post there have been several improvements like a new “Process Move”, an upgraded version of moveP, which limits the linear acceleration and angular acceleration during motion to avoid the acceleration over limit error when the attitude changes greatly.

This AUBOPE (AUBO Programming Environment) update includes bug fixes and provides further improvements. We have tested the update in detail and found it stable. We highly recommend updating your AUBO cobot to this version if you are running on an older version.

After you carry out an update, it’s essential that you test your programs to make sure they still run safely and accurately. We didn’t find any issues, but updates can affect different systems in a different way.

In case you find some irregularities after updating, please contact your AUBO partner.

How to Update the Software

We have shared a video with a step by step explanation on the procedure of how to update the AUBOPE software. Please check below.


Update Log (Excerpt)

  • New: Log all plugin information
  • Added waypoint id assigning function to SDK
  • Added network configuration file to the file export and import function
  • Added motion type MOVE_PROCESS
  • Added soft keyboard input (range 0.001 ~ 0.2 m, movep range 0.001 ~ 0.05) to “Move” command blendRadius textbox
  • Added soft keyboard input (range 0.1 ~ 10) to the “Step Mode” value textbox of the “Robot teaching” page
  • Added new advanced command: commandGroup
  • Added real time display of project log when running the project
  • Added tool calibration interface, relative offset interface, tool kinematics dynamic parameters, read and write global variables interface to the command group
  • Added interface for setting collision stop strategy (Now it has “Free” and “Stuck” two different modes)
  • etc.